Prof. Dr. Sandrine Zufferey

Professeure ordinaire de linguistique française

+41 31 684 80 10
B 365
Adresse postale
Prof. Dr. Sandrine Zufferey
Université de Berne
Institut de langue et de littérature françaises
Länggassstrasse 49
3012 Berne
Heures de consultation
Sur rendez-vous
  • pragmatique
  • sémantique
  • discours
  • acquisition du langage
  • linguistique contrastive
  • psycholinguistique


Année propédeutique

  • Introduction à la linguistique française I
  • Introduction à la linguistique française II


  • Sémantique (cours)
  • Pragmatique (cours)
  • Sociolinguistique (cours)
  • Acquisition du langage (séminaire)
  • Bilinguisme (séminaire)
  • Méthodes en sociolinguistique (séminaire)


  • Discours et cognition (cours)
  • Linguistique contrastive (cours)
  • Apprentissage du français langue étrangère (cours)
  • Linguistique de corpus (séminaire)
  • Linguistique expérimentale (séminaire)
  • Le genre dans la langue (séminaire)
  • Zufferey, S. & Moeschler, J. (2025). Initiation à l'étude du sens. Sémantique et pragmatique. 2e édition revue et augmentée. Auxerre : Editions Sciences Humaines.
  • Zufferey, S. & Degand, L. (2024). Connectives and Discourse Relations. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  • Zufferey, S. & Gygax, P. (2023) (eds). The Routledge Handbook of Experimental Linguistics. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Zufferey, S. & Moeschler, J. (2021). Initiation à la linguistique française. 3e édition revue et augmentée. Paris: Armand Colin.
  • Gygax, P., Zufferey, S. & Gabriel, U. (2021). Le cerveau pense-t-il au masculin ? Cerveau, langage et représentations sexistes. Paris : Editions Le Robert.
  • Gillioz, C. & Zufferey, S. (2021). Introduction to experimental linguistics. Londres: Wiley & Sons.
  • Gillioz, C. & Zufferey, S. (2020). Introduction à la linguistique expérimentale. Londres: ISTE Editions.
  • Zufferey, S. (2020). Introduction to corpus linguistics. London: Wiley & Sons.
  • Zufferey, S. (2020). Introduction à la linguistique de corpus. Londres: ISTE Editions.
  • Zufferey, S. Moeschler, J. & Reboul, R. (2019). Implicatures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Zufferey, S. & Moeschler, J. (2015). Initiation à la linguistique française. 2e édition revue et augmentée. Paris: Armand Colin.
  • Zufferey, S. (2015). Acquiring Pragmatics. Social and Cognitive Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Zufferey, S. & Moeschler, J. (2012). Initiation à l’étude du sens. Sémantique et pragmatique. Auxerre: Editions Sciences Humaines.
  • Zufferey, S. (2010). Lexical Pragmatics and Theory of Mind: The Acquisition of Connectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Zufferey, S. & Moeschler, J. (2010). Initiation à la linguistique française. Paris: Armand Colin.
  • Bersier, B., Mazzarella, D. & Zufferey, S. (submitted). Modulating Politeness in Criticisms and Responses to Criticisms:  A qualitative Study in French.
  • Bersier, B., Mazzarella, D. & Zufferey, S. (to appear). How do we criticize and reply to criticisms in French ? An experimental investigation. Pragmatics & Cognition.
  • Tskhovrebova, E., Wetzel, M., Gygax, P. & Zufferey, S. (2025). The role of training for the mastery of connectives in French. Applied Psycholinguistics, 46(e2), 1-26.
  • Gygax, P. & Zufferey, S. (2024). Comprendre la recherche expérimentale sur le genre grammatical : Une réponse à de Saussure (2024). Langue Française, 224(4), 125-134.
  • Wetzel, M., Zufferey, S. & Gygax, P. (2024). The role of complexity in the ability to notice incoherent uses of connectives for L2. Journal of Second Language Studies, 7(1), 44-74.
  • Tskhovrebova, E., Zufferey, S., & Tribushinina, E. (2023). Vocabulary size and exposure to print predict mastery of connectives in teenage years. Discourse Processes, 60(10), 722–740.
  • Tskhovrebova, E., Zufferey, S. & Gygax, P. (2023). Exploring the sensitivity to non-connective signals of coherence relations: The case of French-speaking teenagers. Dialogue and Discourse, 2(14), 49–82.
  • Wetzel, M., Tskhovrebova, E., Gygax, P. & Zufferey, S. (2023). Pragmatic and syntactic constraints on French causal connectives: An evaluation of native and non-native speakers' sensitivity. Journal of Pragmatics, 209, 89-107.
  • Kim, J., Angst, S., Gygax, P., Gabriel, U. & Zufferey, S. (2023). The masculine bias in fully gendered languages and ways to avoid it: A study on gender neutral forms in Québec and Swiss French. Journal of French Language Studies, 33(1), 1-26.
  • Tskhovrebova, E., Zufferey, S., & Tribushinina, E. (2022). French-speaking teenagers' mastery of connectives: the role of vocabulary size and exposure to print. Applied Psycholinguistics, 43(5), 1141-1163.
  • Wetzel, M., Crible, L. & Zufferey, S. (2022). Processing clause-internal discourse relations in a second language: a case study of specifications in German and French. Journal of Second Language Studies, 5(2), 206-234.
  • Tskhovrebova, E., Zufferey, S. & Gygax, P. (2022). Individual variations in the mastery of connectives from teenage years to adulthood. Language Learning, 72(2), 412-455.
  • Wetzel, M., Zufferey, S. & Gygax, P. (2022). How robust Is discourse processing for native readers? The role of connectives and the coherence relations they convey. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences 13:822151. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.822151
  • Crible, L., Wetzel, M. & Zufferey, S. (2021). Lexical and structural cues to discourse processing in first and second language. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences 12, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.685491.
  • Wetzel, M., Zufferey, S. & Gygax, P. (2021). Do non-native and unfamiliar accents sound less credible? An examination of the process fluency hypothesis. Journal in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 17(2), 61-70.
  • Sanders T., Demberg V., Hoek J., Scholman M., Asr T., Zufferey S. & Evers-Vermeul J. (2021). Unifying dimensions in discourse relations. How various annotation frameworks are related. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 17(1), 1-71.
  • Schumann, J., Zufferey, S. & Oswald, S. (2021). The linguistic formulation of fallacies matter. The case of causal connectives. Argumentation, 35(3), 361-388.
  • Wetzel, M., Zufferey, S. & Gygax, P. (2020). Second language acquisition and the mastery of discourse connectives: assessing the factors that hinder L2-learners from mastering French connectives. Languages, 5, 35.
  • Zufferey, S. & Gygax, P. (2020). Do teenagers know how to use connectives from the written mode? Lingua, 234, 102779, 1-12.
  • Zufferey, S. & Gygax, P. (2020). "Roger broke his tooth. However, he went to the dentist": why some readers struggle to evaluate wrong (and right) uses of connectives. Discourse Processes, 57(2), 184–200.
  • Zufferey, S. & Urfer, L. (2019). Enseignement de l'orthographe en français langue étrangère: effets de transfert et importance des corrections explicites. Nouveaux Cahiers de Linguistique Française, 33, 381-396.
  • Gygax, P., Elmiger, D., Zufferey, S., Garnham, A., Sczesny, S., von Stockhausen, L., Braun, F. & Oakhill, J. (2019). A Language Index of grammatical gender dimensions for those interested in the impact of grammatical gender on the way we perceive women and men. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-6.
  • Gygax, P., Gabriel, U. & Zufferey, S. (2019). Le masculin et ses multiples sens: un problème pour notre cerveau... et pour notre société. Savoirs en Prisme, 10.
  • Gygax, P., Zufferey, S. & Gabriel, U. (2019). Elargir les horizons des enfants. L'Educateur, 5, 9-10.
  • Hoek J., Zufferey S., Evers-Vermeul, J. & Sanders, T. (2019). Linguistic marking of coherence relations: Interactions between connectives and segment-internal elements. Pragmatics & Cognition, 25(2), 275–309.
  • Schumann, J., Zufferey, S. & Oswald, S. (2019). What makes a strawman acceptable? Three experiments assessing linguistic factors. Journal of Pragmatics, 141, 1-15.
  • Zufferey S., Mak W., Verbrugge S. & Sanders T. (2018). Usage and processing of the French causal connectives 'car' and 'parce que'. Journal of French Language Studies, 28(1), 85-112.
  • Hoek J., Zufferey S., Evers-Vermeul J. & Sanders T. (2017). Cognitive complexity and the linguistic marking of coherence relations. A parallel corpus study. Journal of Pragmatics, 121(1), 113-131.
  • Zufferey S. & Gygax P. (2017). Processing connectives with a complex form-function mapping in L2: the case of French 'en effet'. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences, 8, 1-11.
  • Zufferey S. & Degand L. (2017). Annotating the meaning of discourse connectives in multilingual corpora. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 13(2), 399-422.
  • Dupont M. & Zufferey S. (2017). Methodological issues in the use of parallel directional corpora: A case study with English and French concessive connectives. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 22(2), 270-297.
  • Zufferey S. (2016). Discourse connectives across languages. Factors influencing their explicit or implicit translation. Languages in Contrast, 16(2), 264-279.
  • Zufferey S. & Gygax P. (2016). Discourse relations with a perspective shift are difficult to convey implicitly. Evidence from processing and translating the French connective ‘en effet’. Discourse Processes, 53(7), 532-555.
  • Zufferey S., Mak W., Degand L. & Sanders T. (2015). Advanced learners’ comprehension of discourse connectives: The role of L1 transfer across on-line and off-line tasks. Second Language Research, 31(3), 389-411.
  • Zufferey S., Mak W. & Sanders T. (2015). A cross-linguistic perspective on the acquisition of causal connectives and relations. International Review of Pragmatics, 7(1), 22–39.
  • Durrleman S., Hippolyte L., Zufferey S., Iglesias K. & Hadjikhani N.  (2015). Complex syntax in autistic spectrum disorders: A study with relative clauses. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 50(2), 260–267.
  • Zufferey S. & Cartoni B. (2014). A multifactorial analysis of explicitation in translation. Target, 26(3), 361–384.
  • Zufferey S. (2014). Givenness, procedural meaning and connectives: The case of French puisque. Journal of Pragmatics, 62(1), 121–135.
  • Cartoni B., Zufferey S. & Meyer T. (2013). Using the Europarl corpus for linguistic research. Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 27, 23­–42.
  • Cartoni B., Zufferey S. & Meyer T. (2013). Annotating discourse connectives by looking at their translation: The translation-spotting technique. Dialogue and Discourse, 4(2), 65–86.
  • Zufferey S. & Cartoni B. (2012). English and French causal connectives in contrast. Languages in Contrast, 12(2), 232–250.
  • Zufferey S. (2012). ‘Car, parce que, puisque’ revisited: Three empirical studies on French causal connectives. Journal of Pragmatics, 44(2), 138–153.
  • Popescu-Belis A. & Zufferey S. (2011). Automatic identification of discourse markers in dialogues: An in-depth study of like and well. Computer, Speech and Language, 25(3), 499–518.
  • Durrleman S. & Zufferey S. (2009). The nature of syntactic impairment in autism. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 34, 57–86.
  • Zufferey S. (2006). Connecteurs pragmatiques et métareprésentation: l’exemple de parce que. Cahiers de linguistique française, 27, 161–179.
  • Zufferey S. (2004). Une analyse des connecteurs pragmatiques fondée sur la théorie de la pertinence et son application au TALN. Cahiers de linguistique française, 25, 257–272.
  • Zufferey, S., Gabriel, U., & Gygax, P. (forthcoming). Grammatical gender vs. natural gender. In N. Schiller & T. Kupisch (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Classifiers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Zufferey, S. (2024). Discourse makers in a contrastive perspective. in M.-B. Moosegard Hansen & J. Visconti (eds.) Discourse Markers in Romance Languages. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 227-255.
  • Fellay, A., Schwab, S., & Zufferey, S. (2024). "Au home, ils tricotent souvent des écharpes". Impact de la forme masculine "ils" à valeur indéterminée sur la représentation mentale du genre. Actes du  9ième Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Francaise. Lausanne: Suisse, 1001.
  • Ceriani, L., Schwab, S., & Zufferey, S. (2024). La construction d’une inférence de genre à l’oral : et si l’impact du genre de la voix entendue se combinait à celui d’un stéréotype de genre ? Actes du 9ième Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Francaise. Lausanne: Suisse, 1006.
  • Barras, C., Schwab, S., & Zufferey, S. (2024). Un bouquet confectionné par un fleuriste, une haie taillée par une paysagiste ? L’influence des stéréotypes de genre sur l’accès au lexique en français. Actes du 9ième Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Francaise. Lausanne: Suisse, 1008.
  • Zufferey S. & Degand L. (2023). Connectives in French. In C. Chapelle (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. 2nd edition. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1-6.
  • Zufferey, S., Tskhovrebova, E., Wetzel, M. & Gygax, P. (2022). Individual differences in the ability to master connectives: The role of exposure to print. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 69-88.
  • Wetzel, M., Zufferey, S. & Gygax, P. (2022). Do non-native readers rely on connectives? The processing of coherence relations in L2. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 89-120.
  • Gygax, S., Zufferey, S., & Gabriel, U. (2021). Le langage inclusif: futile ou utile ? In Faniko, K. & Dardenne, B. (Eds.). Psychologie du sexisme. Des stéréotypes de genre au harcelement sexuel. Bruxelles: DeBoeck, pp. 211-225.
  • Zufferey S. (2020). La théorie de la pertinence: développements expérimentaux en psychologie cognitive. In Al-Saleh, C.& Charolles, M. (Eds). Cohésion, cohérence et pertinence. L'ajustement de la signification en contexte. Londres: Iste, pp. 175-198.
  • Zufferey S. (2020). Pragmatic development in L1: an overview. In Schneider K. & Ifantidou E. (Eds). Developmental and Clinical Pragmatics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 33-60.
  • Schumann, J. & Zufferey, S. (2020). Empirical evidence for the role of discourse connectives on the acceptability of straw man fallacies across languages. Proceedings of the OSSA Conference, online.
  • Zufferey S. & Popescu-Belis A. (2017). Discourse connectives: theoretical models and empirical validations in humans and computers. In Blochowiak J., Grisot C., Durrelman-Tame S. & Laenzlinger C., (Eds). Formal Models in the Study of Language. Berlin: Springer, pp. 375-390.
  • Zufferey S. (2016). Pragmatic acquisition. In Östman, J.-O. & Verschueren J. (Eds.). Handbook of Pragmatics. 2016 Installment. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 1-20.
  • Degand L. & Zufferey S. (2016). French connectives. In C. Chapelle (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1-6.
  • Hoek J. & Zufferey S. (2015). Factors influencing the implicitation of discourse relations across languages. Proceedings of the 11th Joint ISO-ACL/SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation. London, UK, pp. 39-45.
  • Crible L. & Zufferey S. (2015). Using a unified taxonomy to annotate discourse markers in speech and writing. Proceedings of the 11th Joint ISO-ACL/SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation. London, UK, pp. 14-22.
  • Zufferey S. & Popescu-Belis A. (2014). Discourse connectives: theoretical models and empirical validations in humans and computers. In Blochowiak J., Grisot C., Durrelman-Tame S. & Laenzlinger C., (eds). Festschrift en l’honneur du prof. Jacques Moeschler. Publié en ligne.
  • Durrleman S. & Zufferey S. (2013). Investigating complex syntax in autism. In Stavrakaki, S. Konstantinopoulou P. & Lalioti M. (Eds.). Advances in Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, pp. 405–415.
  • Zufferey S., Degand L., Popescu-Belis A. & Sanders T. (2012). Empirical validations of multilingual annotation schemes for discourse relations. Proceedings of the 8th Joint ISO-ACL/SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation. Pisa, Italy, 77-84.
  • Popescu-Belis A., Meyer T., Cartoni B., & Zufferey S. (2012). Discourse-level Annotation over Europarl for Machine Translation: Connectives and Pronouns. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2716–2720.
  • Cartoni B., Zufferey S., Meyer T., & Popescu-Belis A. (2011). How comparable are parallel corpora? Measuring the distribution of general vocabulary and connectives. Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora, Portland, OR, 78–86.
  • Meyer T., Popescu-Belis A., Zufferey S., & Cartoni B. (2011). Multilingual Annotation and Disambiguation of Discourse Connectives for Machine Translation. Proceedings of 12th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Portland, OR, 194–203.
  • Popescu-Belis A. & Zufferey S. (2007). Contrasting the Automatic Identification of Two Discourse Markers in Multiparty Dialogues. Actes de SIGDIAL 2007 (8th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue), Anvers, Belgique, 10–17.
  • Popescu-Belis A., Clark A., Georgescul M., Zufferey S. & Lalanne D. (2005). Shallow Dialogue Processing Using Machine Learning Algorithms (or not). In Bengio S. & Bourlard H. (éds.), Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, LNCS 3361, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 277–290.
  • Zufferey S. & Popescu-Belis A. (2004). Towards Automatic Identification of Discourse Markers in Dialogs: the Case of 'Like'. Actes de SIGDIAL'04 (5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue), Cambridge, MA, USA, 63–71.